March week 2

Vibrant COLOR is a main theme for the way I see and capture images.  After using Velvia slide film for so many years I began to “see” like that film.  I continue to seek and pair color and contrast in my work.

In this “Touch of Tulip” the use of “selective focus” creates an abstract extraction of stamen and petal. Last week I presented an image of an entire tulip. This week I concentrated on pieces of the tulips.  Using a 100 mm macro lens I choose a one to one subject.  That is, the subject exactly the same size as my sensor.  It is fun to practice finding this size image by setting your macro lens to it’s 1:1 setting – or it’s closest focus, and then moving in to your subject until it comes into focus.  (or the specific part of the subject).  Not all close up lenses are 1:1 macros.

You can achieve a close focus by placing extension tubes between your lens and camera.  They don’t have any glass and do not magnify your image – just puts your lens a little closer to your subject.

Take advantage of the least amount depth of field by opening up your aperture as much as possible.  My 100 mm’s  largest aperture (wide open) is 2.8.  As you can see only a tiny sliver of the tulip is in focus.  Yellow, Orange and a deep-purple – almost velvet black are the only colors.  Less is more.    I don’t need to know that this is even a tulip to experience its soul!

Photography is painting with light… so paint away!

Color also pops when early morning light illuminates a subject.  Although I found these boats and the Golden Gate Bride a busy subject the brilliant color from the reflection to the top of the bridge holds my interest.  Get up and out early in the morning.  Thanks to day light savings that is not as early for the next couple of weeks.

This small yacht club is in Marin, the North side of the Golden Gate Bridge near the  Coast Guard Station and the Discovery Museum.  It is a lovely area to often see the bridge reflected.  You approach from the East Road on your way into Sausalito – if you are not familiar with the area.

Although insolating the reflections in the water might make for a stronger picture I can’t resist including the bridge.  This is the north tower and the best sun light is now hitting it between 7:30 – 9:00 AM.  You will even find a few harbor seals and western grebes and a couple of Canadian Geese here.

If the sun is not directly behind you remember to use your polarizer – it also helps poop the colors!

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