June week 3 – sacred amusement, mystery and marvel!

June wk 3 SacWindows2 copyRecently, while visiting Sacramento, I became aware of the abstract patterns reflected in the windows of the downtown area. They were incredibly beautiful. As I began to photograph these images, I found myself composing what appeared to be paintings. My initial window-encounters turned into an excitement and a passion for exploring more opportunities to capture this colorful intangible art.

Often, mirrored images are distorted by uneven glass or fragmented reflective surfaces. I experimented with these distortions in the early morning light. I found that even the slightest changes in position would drastically alter the appearance of a reflection.

June wk 3 SacWindows3 copyI moved around to see how a pattern would develop. Taking this one step further, I found it possible to entirely abstract the appearance of a reflected subject from its original form. Reflected images which are carefully composed and framed can become art-forms in their own right.

Then I started to connect to the way metal and glass seem to represent the tension between elements in modern architecture. The metal framework demands conformity, but the glass reflections explode in defiance of this structure and, in the end, seem to transcend their captors.

Reflections are everywhere: in glass windows, pools of water, highly polished cars, metal sculptures, even somebody’s sunglasses and eyeball. Once you start looking for them you can find reflections of one kind or another everywhere around you. The reflections remold reality and help us enter into new shapes, colors, structures, and even a reformed world.

June wk 3 SacWindows 1 copyReality is often distorted through the lens of our personal experiences. Interpreting those experiences is like the light on a window which often deforms and reshapes the objects it is reflecting. May these images help you revision ordinary objects (concrete or metaphysical) that you encounter each day so that you find within them sacred amusement, mystery and marvel!


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