October week 2 – A Post-card Thank You

I have said it before: photography for me is a form of visual spirituality.  Creating and then revisiting images are powerful means of meditation.  Of meditation, in her book “Crones Don’t Whine,” Jean Shinoda Bolen says: “Heartfulness and meditation come together in the instant we really see and appreciate something beautiful, and in this moment send the equivalent of a prayer as a postcard thank-you, as we let the beauty in.”

For example it’s a meditative art to seeing the beauty on and around the grapevine.  In capturing the art on the vine with your camera, the possibilities are endless.  But there are six invaluable techniques that can be remembered easily with the acronym GRAPES.

  • Get in close
  • Reflectors
  • Aperture
  • Polarize
  • Exposure
  • Spritz

I don’t always apply all of these techniques.  Sometimes the clumps look best with a little bit of water and sometimes not (Spritz).  Regardless,  you always want to pay close attention to the use of light when choosing your composition!  Water drops in your image can help with your focus and give life to your shot!

Although harvesting begins in August for some grapes, I enjoy the last crushing because the leaves are more colorful in October and into November.  Even after the harvesting you can find clumps of grapes here and there and your presence in the vineyards isn’t as intrusive or threatening to the vines and growers.

Add Neutral Density Filters and Zoom

When grapes remain longer on the vine it gives them a higher sugar content needed for certain kinds of wines so this harvest will often happen when the leaves are turning colors.

These images are my thank-you postcards for entering the beauty of mother earth through my images!

You may taste wine blindfolded to enhance your experience.  But when you go to the wine country you will journey with eyes wide open – the images you create will rival all others.  If you haven’t looked at my portfolio “Art on the Vine” – go to it.  Stop by the AWE gallery at 678 Portola Dr. sometime and I will be happy to flesh out the G. R. A. P. E. S. methods for you.

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