March Week 3 – Stop and SEE the flowers. You will be blessed!

Seacoast Lupine - overcast morning.

Seacoast Lupine – overcast morning.

Wildflowers are living metaphors of rebirth, hope, love, transformation and renewal.  Their reappearance every year is a sign that Earth herself returns to the rhythms and seasonal cycles that have been repeated for countless millennia.  As they blossom, their gospel proclaims we are inter-connected and share the same time, space and web of life with all other living things.

The crew of Apollo 8, in 1968, sent home the first photograph of the earth.  It was that majestic blue and green orb in a vast black infinity.  Who knew that it would become the most awe-filled image in history?  But I believe as important as that icon is, we also need the diverse detail captures of every inch, in every season, of this planet we call home.

May these sensations of springtime help us both appreciate and care for the planet that has sustained us.  Flowers appeared on Earth some one hundred and thirty million years ago between the toes and tails of the dinosaurs.  Georgia O’Keeffe wrote, “Nobody sees a flower, really.  It is so small it takes time – we haven’t time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.”

Star Lily - photographed with flash.  Marin, CA

Star Lily – photographed with flash. Marin, CA

In addition to rendering the essence of wildflowers and my experience of them through various photographic and post processing techniques (last week’s post), I also enjoy allowing the flowers to present themselves.  To make these images I use as much depth-of-field (focus) as possible.  Early mornings with little wind make these captures possible, and a little bit of fog helps saturate the hues.

But when the breeze kicks in, even the slightest of movements, it becomes very challenging.  So then I will add a flash to assist in providing enough light to freeze the flowers in fractions of seconds.   Stop and SEE the flowers.  Taking the time will be well worth it as they grace you with experiences of rebirth, hope, love, transformation and renewal.

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